Hi Denis, That would be great to have a way to assign a whole allocation without splitting it to smaller assignments. I support the idea of having a new status value. Regards, Arash Naderpour On Mon, Apr 4, 2022 at 10:39 PM denis walker via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> wrote:
For many years people have been asking for a way to assign a whole allocation without having to create 2 smaller assignments. The situation is more relevant now with so many /24 allocations. After the RIPE NCC rejected the idea of a dual primary key, for technical reasons, there were two options on the table. Making the "status:" attribute multiple or creating a new status value 'ALLOCATED-ASSIGNED PA'. No one has objected to either of these options. The co-chairs therefore recommend the option put forward by the RIPE NCC to add a new status value 'ALLOCATED-ASSIGNED PA'. Of the two options, this is probably the simplest and likely to cause less problems with user's scripts that parse objects.
If there are no objections to this, the co-chairs now ask the RIPE NCC to produce an impact/implementation report to add this new status value and include the business rules to restrict it's use. We will then seek a final approval from the community on the report.
cheers denis co-chair DB-WG
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