On 26 Oct 2016, at 5:24 PM, Job Snijders <job@instituut.net> wrote:
On Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 12:37:52PM +0400, Daniel Shaw wrote:
- Upstream carriers that still require RIPE DB IRR objects from downstream operators in the AFRINIC region.
what evidence is there that this happens? who is doing this?
Hey Job, WG, As I mentioned to you when we met, far fewer than a year or two back. Thankfully! My experience has been that this is more a *perception* of the downstream operators than an actual reality in most cases. However the perception does create additional friction to having them move to AFRINIC IRR wholesale. But never a block, just a little extra work and extra dialog back and forth to reassure them. My experience has been so far that large transit carriers are more than happy to query the AFRINIC IRR once they’re told about it and have a customer using it. Their default behaviour to their operator customers is “create objects in RIPE DB”, up until either the customer or AFRINIC gets in touch and says “no, and here’s why”. Usually thereafter all is good. :-) I guess writing “require” before was too strong a word on my part. It would have been better to write “frequently request”. The most recent example was BICs - and it’s on my to-do list to reach out to them. Cheers, and have a fruitful face to face! Daniel