My apology, in previous reply the link should have been

From: db-wg <> on behalf of Elad Cohen via db-wg <>
Sent: Friday, January 29, 2021 9:30 PM
To: <>; <>; Ronald F. Guilmette <>
Subject: Re: [db-wg] AFRINIC Audit report
Yes Ronald, good job for causing Afrinic to spend $150k of their members money for legal expenses that you created with your proofless imaginative theories, and Afrinic will lose due to it, because unlike public perception which is based on "+1's" , in court what count is only facts and data.

and good job by showing us how powerful your friends of spamhaus and ops-trust ( are, that they can put a sword on the neck of any RIR in order for the RIR to give any head that they will like.

Afrinic with all of their actions and all of their "report", didn't touch the company Cloud Innovation Ltd that didn't purchase legacy netblocks for money, but received two /11's and massive number of /16's for "free" from Afrinic, for the purposes of leasing worldwide, part of them can be seen in the link:
Maybe it is because that the owner of Cloud Innovation Ltd, knows who to pay, such as Owen DeLong that admitted in Afrinic community-discuss that he received money from Cloud Innovation Ltd and also Owen DeLong wrote in Afrinic community-discuss mailing list the text "Nothing to see here" when people tried to raise questions regarding Cloud Innovation Ltd.

Owen DeLong is a Ops-Trust community member, and also a friend of Ronald Guilmette.


To remind to you and to everyone, Mr. Jan Vermeulen interfered with the latest RIPE NCC Executive Board elections, by doing it he hurt the rights of all of RIPE community members.

Last comment:
Any ops-trust member or spamhaus university loser, please spare the brainwashing +1's.

From: db-wg <> on behalf of Ronald F. Guilmette via db-wg <>
Sent: Friday, January 29, 2021 7:20 PM
To: <>; <>
Subject: [db-wg] AFRINIC Audit report
The following has recebntly been posted to the RIPE web site:

I have attempted to lodge the following comment, but apparently my comment
is being held for review, presumably to insure that it does not contain
any four letter words, nor any material that might violate GDPR, another
four letter word.

   When I and my journalistic colleague, Jan Vermeulen of
   began our investigations into this colossal and truly epic malfeasance
   and theft of valuable IPv4 resources in mid 2019, the notion of either
   of us becoming famous or of receiving any credit for unraveling and
   publicly documenting this gigantic scandal was not what motivated us,
   nor has it been, since the beginning.  Rather, we merely wished to right
   some wrongs and return to the people of Africa some valuable IP resources
   critically needed for the ongoing development of the Internet in Africa.
   Nonetheless, it would have been, I think, at least minimally respectful
   if either AFRINIC or (now) RIPE had taken a moment to at least mention
   our names and our very evident, abundant, and key contributions towards
   exposing this whole huge mess.  Neither organization, it seems, has thus
   far elected to do so publicly.  Such is the reward, or lack thereof, of
   a job well done.
