On Sat, Mar 05, 2016 at 10:54:45AM +0000, Michele Neylon - Blacknight wrote:
Considering the IPv4 space is such a valuable resource now I’d happily argue that if you do a bad job of managing it then maybe you shouldn’t have it
You should not forget to add the "and instead I should have it" at the end. Besides, this discussion is about ERX resources which the NCC CANNOT take away from their holders, which fact all the screaming and bickering cannot change. Overall, this entire thread is proof of my point that this wg should not make policy.
The issue isn’t that simple. Prior to the introduction of abuse-c people would try to contact whatever contact they could find.
Now they contact whomever the NCC saw fit to put in that field because $org didn't fill it in themselves. rgds, Sascha Luck