Of course! And will gladly help s/he since that corrects an existing inconsistency in the DB. We do this all the time, whenever someone contacts us with this kind of request [although we do check it is not a case of someone trying to run away from their objects :-)] If you know anyone with that problem now, direct them to ripe-dbm@ripe.net, please. Joao Bernard Steiner <bs@eunet.ch> writes: * Hi, * * > So, can we agree to proceed with our suggestion as stated below? * > ** * > Change references by names to references by nic handle where these are uni * que * > (there are not already more than two persons with the same referenced name * ). * > ** * * Can we also decide that when a person decides she (sic) is not responsible * for whatever record references hir, said person is allowed to have the * reference removed ? * * (This problem exists already...) * * Bernard * *