Daniel Karrenberg <Daniel.Karrenberg@ripe.net> writes * * > Laurent Joncheray <lpj@merit.edu> writes: * > Dear database managers, * > i had a look at some entries in the RIPE database and at the * > 'nsf-in' network attribute. For a lot of them the value in the RIPE * > db is inconsistant with the Merit (NSF) database... * * More radical question: Considering that the NSFnet is going away and * the routing registry has routing policy, should these attributes * be deprecated or even removed totally?
Jean-Michel writes
* 1- obsolete this field. * 2- Implement what Laurent proposes (automatic download from Merit).
I feel for Daniels and Jean-Michel's first option. They should definately be deprecated (although I have always viewed them as info only attibutes) and preferably removed. Although some people may find this information useful currently, wrong information is worse than no information. I'd say obsolete.
I second that one. -- Willem