I think the only thing that would really offer a proper solution here is to change the primary key to inetnum + status. (as mentioned in option 2 of Nick's email) Quite a few LIRs do lease out address space and some of them will probably be /24s that are leased out in their entirety. While there is the argument to not encourage this behaviour, I would say that it is going to happen anyways and we should instead try to make sure the database is as accurate as possible. This would require the ability to also set the org attribute and possible admin-c/tech-c, and as such I think being able to have two different inetnum objects for the same prefix is the only solution to this case. Disclaimer: While I am writing this email in a personal capacity and think this is the right thing to do to ensure DB accuracy, sometimes I represent a LIR (towards the RIPE NCC) that would potentially benefit from the idea I am suggesting here. -Cynthia On Mon, Apr 4, 2022 at 10:19 PM Nick Hilliard via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> wrote:
Leo Vegoda via db-wg wrote on 04/04/2022 20:50:
Why do they need to register this assignment? Why can the allocation not be left as it is and assumed to be used by the organisation holding it?
What am I missing?
it's a fly in the ointment.
There are three options to handle this situation, possibly more:
1. don't allow an allocation + an assignment to encompass exactly the same space. This is a function of the data model, which states that inetnum: is the primary key. This stops organisations from having a 1:1 mapping between their internal assignment databases and the public ripedb view. This is what we have at the moment.
2. change the ripedb data model to key on inetnum+status. This would allow an assignment and an allocation to have the same inetnum, which would allow organisations to have a 1:1 mapping between their internal assignment databases and the public ripedb view.
3. use a different status: value for inetnum objects which are both allocations and assignments. This is, I understand, what Denis was proposing.
I.e. the choice is about which fly in the ointment is the least problematic, rather than whether there's a fly in the ointment.
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