Hi Jeroen,

FYI none of the database working group chairs work for RIPE NCC any more.

Kind regards,

Scott Donald

From: Jeroen Massar <jeroen@massar.ch>
Sent: 20 June 2017 12:22
To: db-wg@ripe.net
Subject: 2017 and RIPEdb only handles 700 updates per *MINUTE*

(see attached png for the current version as over time it will disappear)

shows a nice peak with a max of 723.47 updates.

Thus either the software is really bad, the updates are rate limited, or
the queries are so high that no further performance is to be expected.

As alluded to in the other thread, if there was less junk (those 400k
inet6nums for instance) then likely this would all scale better....

Are the RIPE DB-WG chairs still actively involved in the maintenance of
the RIPE Database!?

As two of the co-chairs are working for RIPE NCC, are they able to tell
why such a process is slow and why these problems that are being raised
over and over on the various lists are not being resolved?
