----- Text sent by Laurent Joncheray follows ------- Dear database managers, i had a look at some entries in the RIPE database and at the 'nsf-in' network attribute. For a lot of them the value in the RIPE db is inconsistant with the Merit (NSF) database. Moreover some networks in the RIPE DB have this attribute but are not routed by NSF (for instance 193.128.12/24). It is usefull to keep such data when it can mislead people who use your DB to generate configuration files or aggregate lists? Or can you automaticly generate those values from the NSF database so they will be consistant?
I'm not really sure this information is needed in the RIPE database since we can now obtain very easily all the info as seen from Merit with a simple whois. I would therefore propose to either: 1- obsolete this field. 2- Implement what Laurent proposes (automatic download from Merit). Comments ? -- Jean-Michel