An organisation object in the RIPE Database -------------------------------------------- 1. Motivation ----------- Currently the RIPE Database stores two main types of contact information: person and role objects. These provide a way to contact people responsible for operations or usage of the resources whose data is presented in the RIPE Database (IP blocks, autonomous systems, and domain names). However, none of these provide an easy way of mapping resources to a particular organisation. A user looking up data must first find an object containing information about a contact point at that organisation and then, assuming all of that organisation's objects refer to this contact information, perform an inverse query on the Database to obtain a list of objects referencing the specified person or role. This level of indirection can be somewhat obscure and therefore a request for a more direct way of attaching an object to an organisation can be seen as a useful addition to the RIPE Database. This document is a proposal for an organisation object in the RIPE Database and the corresponding needed database functionality. 2. The organisation object ----------------------- The organisation object provides information identifying an organisation such as a company, charity or university, but not an individual, that is a holder of a network resource whose data is stored in the RIPE Database. The organisation object is identified by a unique name specified in "organisation:" attribute which is the primary key. An organisation object can be referenced from other types of objects using an "org:" attribute. All objects associated with a particular organisation can be retrieved from the Database by performing an "inverse query" for that organisation's name (handle) in the "org:" field of Database objects. Following is a template for the proposed organisation object and an example. All attributes except the "ref-nfy:" and "organisation" have their usual meanings. organisation: [mandatory] [single] [primary/look-up key] descr: [mandatory] [multiple] [ ] remarks: [optional] [multiple] [ ] address: [mandatory] [multiple] [ ] phone: [optional] [multiple] [ ] fax-no: [optional] [multiple] [ ] e-mail: [mandatory] [multiple] [look-up key] admin-c: [mandatory] [multiple] [inverse key] tech-c: [mandatory] [multiple] [inverse key] ref-nfy: [optional] [multiple] [inverse key] notify: [optional] [multiple] [inverse key] mnt-by: [mandatory] [multiple] [inverse key] mnt-lower: [optional] [multiple] [inverse key] changed: [mandatory] [multiple] [ ] source: [mandatory] [single] [ ] 3. New attributes ---------------------- "organisation:" Specifies the name of an organisation object. An organisation name is made up of letters, digits, the character underscore "_", and the character hyphen "-"; it must start with "ORG-", and the last character of a name must be a letter or a digit. Hierarchical names are possible (see below). "ref-nfy:" Specifies the e-mail address to be notified when a reference to the organisation object is added or removed. An e-mail address as defined in RFC 2822. [We use this functionality in the "irt-nfy:". The name of this attribute is more neutral allowing reuse in other object types.] "org:" May appear in any other type of object. It points to an existing organisation object representing the entity that holds the resource. The value of this attribute is the name of the organisation object. It is optional and single-valued. 4. Hierarchical names --------------------- Names of organisation objects can also be hierarchical. A hierarchical name is a sequence of organisation names separated by colons ":". The purpose of an hierarchical name is to partition the organisation name space so that the maintainers of the organisation ORG-X1 controls the whole organisation name space underneath, i.e. ORG-X1:...:Xn-1. Thus, an organisation object with name ORG-X1:...:Xn-1:Xn can only be created by the maintainer of the object with name ORG-X1:...:Xn-1 (one level less specific object). That is, only the maintainer of ORG-COM1 can create an organisation with name ORG-COM1:COM1-EUROPE; and only the maintainer of ORG-COM1:COM1-EUROPE can create an organisation with the name ORG-COM1:COM1-EUROPE:UK. A typical use case for hierarchical names could be a multinational company with several subsidaries in various countries. 5. Authorisation checks ---------------------------------- 5.1 Basic use ---------------------------------- When modifying an organisation object the update should pass authorisation checks specified by one of the mntners listed in "mnt-by:" attributes of the organisation object. When adding an "org:" attribute to an object, the update of the object should pass the following authorisation checks: - from one of the mntners of the referenced organisation object - from one of the mntner objects that protect the referencing object 5.2 Hierarchical authentication ---------------------------------- If hierarchical name is used for an organisation object, then the addition of an object must be authorised by an organisation object whose key is named by everything to the left of the rightmost colon in the name of the object being added (one level less specific object). Authorisation is determined by first using the "mnt-lower:" mntner reference, or if absent, using the "mnt-by:" mntner reference. If a hierarchical name is used then deletion of the object can authorised by the one level less specific object. Authorisation is determined by first using the "mnt-lower:" mntner reference, or if absent, using the "mnt-by:" mntner reference. Note that an organisation object that is referenced by an "org:" attribute may still not be deleted. 6. New query functionality -------------------------- Query flags that allow retrieval of less or more specific objects (-l, -L, -m, -M) can be used in lookups for an organisation object with a hierarchical name. Without these flags an exact match is returned if found. 7. Examples ------------ A basic organisation object: organisation: ORG-EXAMPLE descr: An example organisation address: Random St. address: The Netherlands phone: +31 123 4567 fax-no: +31 123 4568 e-mail: admin-c: EXAM1-RIPE tech-c: EXAM2-RIPE notify: ref-nfy: mnt-by: EXAMPLE-MNT changed: 20030121 source: RIPE A network that references an organisation object: inetnum: - netname: EXAMPLE-NET-86 descr: Sample network org: ORG-EXAMPLE country: NL admin-c: EXAM1-RIPE tech-c: EXAM2-RIPE status: ASSIGNED PI mnt-by: EXAMPLE-MNT mnt-lower: EXAMPLE-MNT changed: 20030122 source: RIPE Hierarchical organisation usage: organisation: ORG-EXAMPLE:RESEARCH descr: Research branch of example organisation address: Secret Court address: The Netherlands e-mail: admin-c: EXAM1-RIPE tech-c: EXAM3-RIPE ref-nfy: mnt-by: EXAMPLE-RESEARCH-MNT changed: 20030121 changed: 20030122 source: RIPE Example of querying for an organisation (returns the "more specific" organisations): $ whois -h -M ORG-EXAMPLE . . . organisation: ORG-EXAMPLE:RESEARCH . . -----------------------------------