Dear colleagues, please find enclosed the first draft of the agenda for the session of the routing working rgoup at RIPE 39, Bologna. The session will be held Wednesday, 2-May, 14:00 Routing WG session Due to the importance of the subject and because it is affecting both working groups we are having again a joint session of the routing and database groups on the same day in the 2nd afternoon slot. Wednesday, 2-May, 16:00 Joint routing/db WG session I would also like to direct your attention to two interesting tutorials: For more information on these two tutorials, please refer to the RIPE meeting web pages. Monday, 30-Apr, 9:00 Full day tutorial on MPLS by Clarence Filsfils (Cisco) Tuesday, 1-May, 9:00 Half day tutorial on the RAToolSet by Cengiz Allaettinoglu (Packetdesign) As usual comments, additions, changes to the agenda of the Routing WG welcome! ---- R I P E 3 9 B O L O G N A Routing Working Group Session A. Preliminaries (Joachim Schmitz) (5min) - introduction - participants' list - volunteering of scribe - agenda bashing - RIPE 37 minutes - actions from earlier meetings B. Cengiz Allaettinoglu: Observations on ISIS Convergence (30min) C. Philip Smith: Update on RIPE-210 (Route Flap Damping) (20min) - update - discussion D. Henk Uijterwaal: Update from the RIS Project (15min) Joint Session with the Database WG E. Andrei Robachevsky: Migration to the new RIPE database (20min) F. Cengiz Allaettinoglu: Application of the RAToolSet (open end) Y. Input from other WGs Z. AOB ---- Thanks Joachim --- JS395-RIPE -- standard disclaimer ---