MarcoH wrote:
[AP49.3 RIPE NCC] To produce a document detailing the programme for introducing the changes.
[AP49.4 RIPE NCC] To implement the abuse-email: attribute in the irt, person and role objects.
Not that I want to push people, but is there any progress on this topic or can anybody from the NCC give some indication on when this is expected to get done ?
We have a tentative timeline worked out: - mid-Feburary, formal proposal of changes. The idea is to take the previously agreed on changes and document what it will look like for users exactly. - early-March, completed implementation, migration plan to working group. - mid-March, migration to new software. We also plan on having the POEM object type implemented before the next RIPE meeting, with work on that beginning as soon as the abuse changes are completed. -- Shane Kerr RIPE NCC