This is the 1st (rough) proposal of a draft agenda for the Database-WG at RIPE 25 in Amsterdam. There is a considerable amount of contention for slot-time, so we're not going to have more than 90 minutes this time. Thus I propose to put the effort on structural things, this time and leave the details for the DB-WG list after the meeting. Like: - approaches for better data consistency (if any :-) - documentation - priorities Apologies if I missed something obvious... As usual, comments, additions, deletions welcome. See you, Wilfried. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Proposed/Draft Agenda: Database-WG, RIPE 25, Amsterdam, NL ---------------------------------------------------------- A. Administrative stuff - volunteering of the scribe - WG-agenda bashing B. DB-SW status report by the RIPE NCC - recent changes, V2.0 - new features: experience, feedback C. DB consistency and sanity checks - at time of transaction (create/modify) - at regular intervals - input from other WGs - input from the NCC (address space handling) - RIPE/(NIC)-Handle space, special cases, like ROLExxx-RIPE, RIPExxx-yyy, AUTOxxx-RIPE D. Inverse lookup discussion - recursive lookup on by default, should this change? - extending the list of attributes that can be use in -i lookup? E. Documentation - structure and contents as proposed by the NCC - user input F. New functionality - things on the consolidated wish-list - url handling - inet-rtr object extension Y. General input from other WGs Z. AOB Draft 1.0, 17-SEP-1996, WW. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~