Hi I support the notion. RIR DB should maintain as operation as for operational purpose only. denis walker via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net>于2021年1月28日 周四下午6:54写道:
Way back in 2008 it was suggested that the RIPE Database could be used for linking people well known within the network operating industry. The concept of 'whitepages' was introduced. This was an ORGANISATION object (ORG-PAGE1-RIPE) with 'org-type: WHITEPAGES' that could be referenced by PERSON objects to override the automatic deletion of PERSON objects not referenced by any resource object. In today's privacy world, it is a bad idea to use the RIPE Database as a phone book. Currently there are only 4 people whose PERSON object references this ORGANISATION object. (There are also 5 moderators referenced in the ORGANISATION object who have probably long since forgotten they had anything to do with it :) )
I think we should now deprecate this concept. LinkedIn is much more suited to keeping in touch with networking people. Comments appreciated...
cheers denis co-chair DB-WG
-- -- Kind regards. Lu