------- Forwarded Message From: Dale Amon as Operator <root@starbase1.gpl.net> Date: Thu, 30 Oct 97 11:21:59 GMT To: Carsten Schiefner <schiefne@contrib.com> Subject: Re: Who should do entries in RIPE database? Cc: local-ir@ripe.net Reply-To: amon@galileo.gpl.com References: <3456024C.70C28953@contrib.com>
There are four(!) entries for the entity "Joerg Schmidt" of "ZWF Digitale Informations Technologie GmbH": JS893-RIPE, JS1161-RIPE, JS1163-RIPE and JS1438-RIPE. This should be definitely stopped!
My idea is that we should discuss future restrictions on the possibility for everybody to put entries in the RIPE database, maybe by setting up and maintaing access lists for every LIR.
Please let's not add more things to remember. The job of admin people at ISP's is rough enough as it is. I'd personally rather see every possible effort made to decrease work loads on everyone's part, and to decrease the number of things that need to be remembered. I applaud the improvements made in the RIPE database over the last 5 years. The "smarts" in the process are a real help for people who are trying to do so many things at once that errors are inevitable.
For me this database is a central tool in my daily work and I am very interested in keeping quality and reliability of stored data as high as possible.
It is also a central tool in my work and I am more interested in simplicity of the process of working with my own data than I am in simplicity of others using my data. So long as my routing and DNS work, I could care less if someone has 500 entries under their name. ------- End of Forwarded Message