Hi David! => WRT "fuzzy" / wildcard matches - it would make the RIPE-DB software => more user friendly (and maybe more attractive for deployment by other => registries) to provide for (implicit/explicit) regexp or partial key => matches. = =To what end? Is the purpose of the database registration information =lookup or a more general white pages service? I' would suggest the =former and leave the latter to the WHOIS++/LDAP/X.500 crowd. Two things here: - local langauge problems (European National Character Sets) which make it difficult to find out about a (arbitrarily chosen) transcription. - comments from other environments, where the lack of this feature was quoted as a major obstacle to use this software 'cause this functionality is provided right now. The remark about the white pages is understood, although I don't think we should limit the sw functionality to avoid misuse :-) Thanks for throwing in your 2 yen. Wilfried.