Hello, there are a number of persons with multiple _entries_ in the RIPE-Database, because they have multiple _adresses_, and I think, this is not handled well with our current implementation. To make this more acceptable for such people, something like the following should be possible: person: Thomas Peters remarks: -- #1 - Main office: address: Thomas Peters address: Nacamar Data Communications GmbH address: Frankfurter Strasse 141 address: D-63303 Dreieich address: Germany phone: +49 6103 9901 14 fax-no: +49 6103 9901 18 e-mail: info@nacamar.net remarks: -- #2 - South office: address: Thomas Peters address: Herd-Weg 8 address: D-69198 Schriesheim OT. Ursenbach address: Germany phone: +49 6220 9111 25 fax-no: +49 6220 9111 259 e-mail: peters@nacamar.net remarks: -- #3 ... nic-hdl: TP65-RIPE ... <<< This applies too for people working as tech-c for several companies. It should be possible for each address-block to have its own phone/fax/eMail with it. As I understand the operation of the database now, all phone-numbers etc. are collected together, so the relationship to the addresses are lost. Best Regards, HaJo Gurt ------------------------------------------------------------------- Nacamar Network Administration NACAMAR Data Communications guardian@nacamar.net Frankfurter Str. 135-141 D-63303 Dreieich +49 6103 9901 ?? Voice Germany +49 6103 9901 18 FAX gurt@nacamar.de -------------------------------------------------------------------