Hi Denis, On Tue, 7 Mar 2023 at 18:52, denis walker <ripedenis@gmail.com> wrote:
From my perspective as an analyst it's getting interesting now... Yes we can consider it as a complex problem needing a complex solution...but are either really complex? Maybe it is the environment that is complex and not this specific problem or solution.
Yes, the environment is more complex now than it was 20 years ago. There has been considerable economic integration across Europe and the world. At the same time, the Internet has transformed from an interesting research project to an essential utility. Utilities are essential infrastructure. While removing or redefining data and seeing what break might seem like fun, it has consequences. I'd love to see a formal problem statement that calls out the known users of the data. They are legitimate stakeholders. I'd also like to see a plan for contacting those users and asking them what they need and engaging them in the discussion. But if there are ways to achieve a useful outcome without speaking with the users of the data I'd love to hear them. Kind regards, Leo