On 1999-05-26T21:46:48, Nacamar AS Guardian <guardian@nacamar.de> said:
- who would use this database, and for what purpose (Anti-SPAM, better route-flap-dampening ...)
We already keep this kind of data for our own inetnums, which we use for firewalling rules and other purposes. Better route-flap-dampening seems impossible. You can't just exclude all nameservers (for example) from the dampening, the lists would get too long, let alone the impact on the RR server when you do the lookups...
- who should insert/maintain the contents
Obviously, the only one able to maintain this data is the owner of the object.
- how to determine if the contents are 'legal', e.g. come from the 'owner' of the mentioned ip-ranges/hosts
MNT-BY should ensure that. Question is how RIPE can ensure that these new tags are indeed added at all.
- what to do if someone protests against some contents, or claims damages because of some contents
If the maintainer adds them himself, he can't protest against the contents ;-) But I wonder if the RIPE NCC members can indeed be asked to disclose all this data. I see a lot of people who might not want to do that. There is a reason why the data to evaluate a inetnum request is kept in strict confidence... Sincerely, Lars Marowsky-Brie -- Lars Marowsky-Brie Network Management teuto.net Netzdienste GmbH - DPN Verbund-Partner