On Wed, 22 Oct 2003, leo vegoda wrote:
Hank Nussbacher <hank@att.net.il> wrote:
I wouldn't make it optional
What is the benefit of having it as a mandatory attribute?
If this is optional, many will not fill out this data (especially those who operate in more then one country as well as some other people who are just "lazy" and do not fill out optional fiels). But if this field is mandatory, this will always exist and organizations operating in more then one country will provide exact data about those countries. So making this madatory makes, whois data a lot more valuable when trying to create statistics on ip allocations and use in different regions. And although I'm not from RIPE region, I'd like to state my support for doing it as Shane suggested (Country: NL, BE, DE). -- William Leibzon Elan Networks william@elan.net