On 2022 May 13 (Fri) at 00:56:59 +0200 (+0200), Cynthia Revström via db-wg wrote: :Also I have a kinda Sweden-specific question about the following part :(from 1.0 Organisations): :> personal address for the organisation which is already in the public domain in a national, public, business registry. : :In Sweden there are multiple private organizations that publish home :addresses for almost everyone in the country by combining some quirks :of the freedom of the press act and government transparency. :Would this count according to that, and as such would you say it is :okay to publish the personal addresses for almost everyone in Sweden? :The government doesn't directly publish this information, people have :no right to demand to be excluded but it is still public. :The important thing here though imo is that these websites generally :are a lot harder to scrape than the RIPE Database. : :Also what if it was an address that was kinda public but you had to :create an account and agree to not re-publish it elsewhere, would that :make it okay or not okay to publish? :Or what if that address is published somewhere, but not linked to that :person's name, maybe it is linked to some unrelated legal entity that :is on the same address, would that make it okay to publish? : :I think it would be a lot easier to just say that personal addresses :should never be published. :Just because it is already somewhere on the internet doesn't mean that :the RIPE Database has to spread it further. : :-Cynthia : I agree with this assessment, and would STRONGLY suggest that we drop the "if found online" clause for the address of natural persons. I myself am a target of several hate groups. I am not willing as a natural peson to join as a LIR, because my home address will be published. That will put my life in danger, and is clearly not something I am interested in. I have no problems providing (and verifying) my home address with RIPE NCC as part of the LIR registration process, my entire concern is with the *publication* of that address. Related, is the RIPE NCC Membership list covered under this policy? Here's one example, using the RIPE NCC, that shows that the registration address will be published. When I look at members that appear to be natural persons, it does list an address that seems to be a residence. https://www.ripe.net/membership/indices/data/nl.ripencc-ts.html :On Tue, May 10, 2022 at 11:29 AM Angela Dall'Ara via db-wg :<db-wg@ripe.net> wrote: :> :> Dear colleagues, :> :> A new RIPE Policy proposal, 2022-01, "Personal Data in the RIPE Database" :> is now available for discussion. :> :> The goal of this proposal is to allow the publication of verified Personal Data in the RIPE Database only when they are justified by its purpose. :> :> You can find the full proposal at: :> https://www.ripe.net/participate/policies/proposals/2022-01 :> :> As per the RIPE Policy Development Process (PDP), the purpose of this four week Discussion Phase :> is to discuss the proposal and provide feedback to the proposer. :> :> At the end of the Discussion Phase, the proposer, with the agreement of the WG Chairs, will decide how to proceed with the proposal. :> :> The PDP document can be found at: :> https://www.ripe.net/publications/docs/ripe-710 :> :> We encourage you to review this proposal and send your comments to :> db-wg@ripe.net before 8 June 2022. :> :> :> Kind regards, :> :> Angela Dall'Ara :> Policy Officer :> RIPE NCC