
Thank you for your questions, I use the database daily in my professional work as our customers depend heavily upon the accuracy and usability of the database. We use the database for writing data to the database and also for reading the data in the database. I am very involved with customer education, object maintenance, and interacting with the many interfaces provided for the database. 

I have volunteered to help the working group because we need to be looking to the future of the database. As a co-chair, I would like to work to increase the working group member participation, work with my co-chairs to identify consensus for the many initiatives, and through consensus provide the necessary features to all the users of the database.

The database is a global system used around the world. As a working group we have many items to discuss. Items like data validation, object access control, authentication, usability, and concerns from law enforcement. Finding consensus on these items has a great impact on the Internet as a whole. I would like to leverage my 20+ years of experience in Internet directory services to help the working group address our changing Internet environment.

Best regards, 


On Nov 1, 2016, at 8:32 AM, Job Snijders <> wrote:

Dear William,

On Mon, Oct 31, 2016 at 08:32:17PM +0000, William Sylvester wrote:
Dear DB-WG Members,

I would like to express my interest in serving as a co-chair for the DB-WG.

Can you elaborate further on your motivation why you want to volunteer
as chair of DB-WG? What role does the database play in your professional

Kind regards,
