=> I personally feel that this should be done through the config file: give => every attribute a property of allowed empty lines or not. For example => 'remarks:' lines can be read easier when they may contain empty lines => while empty rev-srv: lines are useless. => I roughly agree about the approach, but see below.
Wilfried: I suggest a collection of all attributes should be analyzed to see where empty lines are useful and where not. I currently do not have an overview of all attributes but I feel that - single ones - attributes used as reference (e.g. tech-c) - attributes necessary for administrative database purposes (e.g. changed or source) must not be empty (just as it came to my mind).
I wonder how many attributes might be left over which could carry empty lines. I feel that the address attribute should not have empty lines. However, empty lines could be useful as David noted on the remark attribute.
I think all the lines where syntax checking is being done should *not* allow empty lines. To some degree I can see the usefulness of *single* empty lines within a *block* of attributes that allow free format text. Currently remark:, trouble:, and address: comes to my mind - and maybe a few more. But even then, the optical effect that is described can easily be obtained by e.g. putting a "." or "-" as the only character into the value field. I suppose that would remove some complexity from the software to support this "cosmetic sugar". Thus it would be my personal proposal to disallow empty lines altogether (empty in the sense of an attribute having no value supplied). Your input is very welcome, and yes, that could be put onto the draft agenda for RIPE-26 if there is no clear consensus or any strong feelings. Wilfried. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wilfried Woeber : e-mail: Woeber@CC.UniVie.ac.at Computer Center - ACOnet : Vienna University : Tel: +43 1 4065822 355 Universitaetsstrasse 7 : Fax: +43 1 4065822 170 A-1010 Vienna, Austria, Europe : NIC: WW144 --------------------------------------------------------------------------