20 May
20 May
6:37 p.m.
Hi Ben,
On 20 May 2024, at 15:53, Ben Cartwright-Cox <ripencc@benjojo.co.uk> wrote:
* NWI-4: Add ALLOCATED-ASSIGNED PA inetnum status (#1432)
Hey folks, I tried to just set one of my allocations with this, but I can't see the option on webupdates. am I missing something or is there more things needed before I can set this?
Cheers Ben
Apologies, this is a bug. You should be allowed to change between ALLOCATED PA and ALLOCATED-ASSIGNED PA on the modify inetnum page, but ALLOCATED-ASSIGNED PA is missing. A workaround is to paste the inetnum object into Syncupdates and change the status there: https://apps.db.ripe.net/db-web-ui/syncupdates Regards Ed Shryane RIPE NCC