12 May
12 May
10:01 a.m.
Good morning all, After tinkering around with import-via/export-via attributes, I realised that "AND NOT" is not supported in the as-expression part of peering specifications, although it is described in RFC2622 (along with the semantically equivalent EXCEPT) and included in example (6) of page 25. e.g. currently: import: from AS-AMS-IX-PEERS and not AS6777 accept ANY is not supported, while import: from AS-AMS-IX-PEERS except AS6777 accept ANY is. I have raised a ticket with RIPE NCC about it. Also, Job Snijders was kind enough to act quickly and provide patches for both irrtoolset and whois: https://github.com/RIPE-NCC/whois/pull/237 http://irrtoolset.isc.org/ticket/48 Kind regards, Aris Lambrianidis AMS-IX