Dear working group, We've deployed a new release 1.87.3 to RC today. As mentioned before, this release will allow editing the "descr:" attributes. Kind regards, Thiago da Cruz Software Engineer RIPE Database Team
On 13 May 2016, at 11:35, Tim Bruijnzeels <tim@ripe.net> wrote:
Dear working group,
We deployed a new release 1.87.2 to RC yesterday.
With this release "descr:" will not be editable on inet(6)num objects for allocations, for the time being. However, we plan to do a clean-up of the "descr:" attributes that have been maintained by the RIPE NCC on 2 June, and deploy a new release then that will allow editing of this attribute. This can be done as full DB release 1.88 - in which case we can also include some other items in the development pipeline, or we can create a 1.87.3 release then. The change to make this attribute editable again will be trivial, but we can only do so when the clean-up is done.
We plan to deploy this version to production this Tuesday 17 May, so that we can phase out object editors from the LIR Portal.
Kind regards,
Tim Bruijnzeels
On 04 May 2016, at 20:49, Tim Bruijnzeels <tim@ripe.net> wrote:
Dear working group,
We deployed release 1.87.1* to RC today. This new Database release introduces several business rules that allow us to phase out object editors for LIRs in the near future. As announced by Alex Band to the services working group on 21 April: https://www.ripe.net/ripe/mail/archives/ncc-services-wg/2016-April/002999.ht...
Since this release does not introduce any other functional changes, we believe that a one week RC test period should be enough. And we propose to deploy this release to production next Wednesday 11 May, unless of course issues are found or concerns are raised.
The new business rules ensure that once an LIR maintainer is added to "mnt-by:" of an LIR ORGANISATION object and/or INET(6)NUM objects for LIR allocations, attributes that are maintained by RIPE NCC remain maintainable by RIPE NCC only.
For organisation objects the following attributes will not be modifiable by the LIR: "organisation:"**, "org-name:", "org-type:", "address:" ***, "phone:" ***, "fax-no:" ***, "email:" ***, "mnt-by:" ****
For inet(6)num objects the following attributes will not be modifiable by the LIR: "inetnum:"**, "netname:", "org:", "sponsoring-org:" (on assignments, included here for completeness), "status:", "mnt-by:" ****
Please note that these changes only come into real effect after we deploy changes to the LIR Portal that allow LIRs to select a maintainer to use. We are working hard on this at this moment, but we are not sure whether we can have these changes ready before the RIPE Meeting, or that we will have to wait a bit longer. Of course we will communicate how this changes the way that LIRs can maintain their objects before that time.
Please let us know if you find any issues or have any concerns or questions,
Kind regards,
Tim Bruijnzeels Assistant Manager Software Engineering RIPE NCC Database Group
*: Note that we caught a small issue internally before we planned to deploy 1.87, hence the version currently deployed is 1.87.1. **: primary key, so not modifiable - included here to make it clear that these objects are created by RIPE NCC ***: These fields will remain modifiable through the LIR Portal only for now, since they are stored both in the RIPE NCC internal member database and the RIPE Database ****: During the first phase of this effort the LIR can only choose one MNTNER to use, through the LIR Portal