Hi Cynthia, Working Group, if we need to provide advance notice in all cases, is one day enough for bug fixes? A shorter release cycle helps us get bugs fixed faster, but the trade-off is less time for users to analyse the impact of changes. If advance notification is useful for our users, we will continue to provide it. Thanks for your feedback. Regards Ed
On 23 May 2019, at 14:26, Cynthia Revström <me@cynthia.re> wrote:
Hello DB-WG,
Ed proposed a change to the WHOIS release process at the DB-WG session @ RIPE78. This change would be to immediately deploy bug fixes without a release candidate.
I would just like to voice my opinion on it, so my thought is that maybe give the db-wg 24h to voice opinions or something like that. Just a thought but anyways.
- Cynthia