On 2024 Aug 06 (Tue) at 15:59:39 +0200 (+0200), Edward Shryane wrote: :Dear colleagues, : :(please see below) : :> On 5 Aug 2024, at 20:24, Leo Vegoda <leo@vegoda.org> wrote: :> :> Hi, :> :> On Mon, 5 Aug 2024 at 08:03, Edward Shryane <eshryane@ripe.net> wrote: :>> :>> Dear colleagues, :>> :>> Cynthia made a suggestion in January (see below) and there were two replies in support, but it was not progressed. :>> :>> If I may summarise the thread: :>> :>> (1) Make "phone:" optional in person objects :>> AND :>> (2) Make either "phone:" or "e-mail:" mandatory in person and role objects :>> AND (From Peter's reply) :>> (3) Make "address:" optional in person and role objects :> :> I agree with Cynthia that we should try to align person and role :> object requirements. I also support changes that update contact :> information requirements so that they align with our changing society. :> :> Postal delivery schedules are changing in some countries so that they :> are less frequent. And geographically distributed teams don't rely on :> postal mail for business communications now as they did 20 years ago. :> Of course, the registry will probably need a postal address. But that :> is different from contact information in the RIPE database. :> :> If we make changes along these lines, I'd like to do it in a way that :> adds new contact methods. We shouldn't just add more flexibility in :> the current contact methods. We should also consider new methods, as :> discussed in agenda item C at RIPE 88: :> :> https://ripe88.ripe.net/programme/meeting-plan/db-wg/ :> : :Quoting from your presentation, regarding CONTACT-URI : : :"If this is good enough to deliver an improvement, should it become an NWI?" :"If so, should support for private URIs be included or just the HTTPS redirection service?" : :Is the problem statement clear? Can these two proposals be combined into a single NWI ? : :Regards :Ed Shryane :RIPE NCC I think Leo's problem statement is clear and I would support making this an NWI, but I would prefer that these be separate NWIs. I seem to remember that there were multiple options for CONTACT-URI that we would need to work through, and I don't want to block a simple task from being done in the meantime. -- Life is like an analogy.