Piotr Strzyzewski wrote:
On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 05:42:59PM +0200, Daniel Suchy wrote: [...] From my point of view, there was no formal proposal to discuss. Just an informal question by Eric. It is even unclear which objects are expected to be visible.
IIRC there were a couple of quite informal discussions about this Q, some of them maybe even in the hallways :-) The general line of reasonsing seesm to be: The Data Protection environment states that an organisation is not supposed to collect data, or to keep storing it (and even less so, making it publicly accessible!) unless there is a need to do so for the declared reason, operation or goal. As the obejcts have been deleted, it can be inferred that there is no longer a valid reason to store those items or to make them accessible.
Nevertheless, I suppose the NCC would still be able to work with e.g. LAEs to disclose the transaction that removed an item from the DB ;-) FWIW, HTH, Wilfried