-On [20000902 10:05], Abdullah Saad Al-Ashry (abdullah@awalnet.net.sa) wrote:
When I use the utility "asused" ftp://ftp.ripe.net/tools/asused-3.5.tar.gz It gives me this warning: **************** Please check the following WARNINGS: 212.xx.xxx.0 - 212.xx.xxx.255 has mnt-lower xxxx attached ****************
You probably have: mnt-by: MNT-BLAH mnt-lower: MNT-BLAH which is ambiguous if memory serves me right. Just remove the mnt-lower. This is just a guess, since you are paranoia and removed the specifices of your assignment [for which I really cannot find any justification actually, the paranoia that is]. HTH, kind regards, -- Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven Network- and systemadministrator <jruigrok@via-net-works.nl> VIA Net.Works The Netherlands BSD: Technical excellence at its best http://www.via-net-works.nl Come and take a good look deep into these thuggish ruggish eyes. See the thugstas cry. And I'm askin' the good Lord "Why?" and sigh, He told me we lived to die...