I'm not sure this is the right place for this, but if not, perhaps someone can point me at the right place. I previously raised the issue with ncc@ripe.net and the person dealing with it there pointed me here, among other places. When dealing with net-abuse, I have occasion to look up addresses in RIPE's database, to contact people responsible for the relevant netblock. Mostly this is unremarkable, but sometimes the contact address bounces. In this case, I normally write to the contact for the next larger containing netblock, but when that's the RIPE, that doesn't work (the contact address for RIPE's netblocks is one which doesn't accept mail from the world at large - or at least is documented as such; I don't recall trying it recently). So I was reporting such broken contact addresses to ncc@. But the person there (signing with the name Yvette Vermeer) tells me that ncc@ is not the correct place to send them. She (I assume "Yvette" is "she") referred me to two lists, of which this is one. Presumably _somewhere_ at RIPE there is _someone_ to whom such things should be addressed; like any assigning authority, RIPE has responsibility concomitant with its authority, in particular to make sure its assignees behave themselves - such as by maintaining correct contact info. But it seems to be difficult to find whom to report such outdated contacts to. I've been lurking here for a little while, and this doesn't look like the right place to send such notifications; this appears to be more operational than policy. But perhaps I'm wrong, or perhaps someone here can tell me where I *should* send such notifications; I'm going to exhaust all the leads I can find at RIPE before going upstairs about this. I don't like to kick it even far up as RIPE (I wouldn't except that the invalid contact addresses in question are direct RIPE assignees) and I really don't want to have to go even further. /~\ The ASCII der Mouse \ / Ribbon Campaign X Against HTML mouse@rodents.montreal.qc.ca / \ Email! 7D C8 61 52 5D E7 2D 39 4E F1 31 3E E8 B3 27 4B