Hej, we had such an issue years ago and it was annoying. Perhaps one of these options could be improving the situation. 1. Route objects will be extended with a further mnt-by (or a new mnt-del or so just for deletion) which is automatically set to the mnt-by of the corresponding aut-num and cannot be deleted. So the maintainer of the origin is able to delete the object and the creator of the route object will be notified. 2. like 1 but the object will not be deleted immediately. Moreover the creator will be automatically notified that a deletion was requested. In the mail you have a link to confirm the deletion so it will be deleted immediately and you have a link to decline the deletion with a comment field and the RIPE has to review the case. If the creator don't touch a link the object will be deleted after X days. Perhaps this can help but i don't know if this is too much work or it's like cracking a nut with a sledgehammer :) Best Andi Am 20.08.24 um 13:51 schrieb Wessel Sandkuijl:
Hi all,
RIPE NCC has assigned me an ASN a couple of years ago. During some routine checks I noticed a few route objects with my ASN in it which were created long before the ASN got assigned to me.
When trying to force-delete these objects I was unable to. After contacting RIPE NCC this is apparently by design, and RIPE NCC was unable to delete them either because the route objects were protected by a valid maintainer. They suggested I contact the original creator of the objects (which I couldn't, the email bounced), or contact the inetnum resource holder and ask them to (force) delete the route objects.
I find it odd that as ASN resource holder I am unable to force-delete objects referencing the ASN that is assigned to me. I'm apparently not the only one. From what I've been told requests from ASN resource holders to delete route objects referencing their ASN pop up regularly in RIPE NCC support.
I think this is something that can be improved. I suggest implementing the option to force-delete a route(6) object as ASN resource holder. This saves both the resource holder and RIPE NCC valuable time.
Wessel ----- To unsubscribe from this mailing list or change your subscription options, please visit: https://mailman.ripe.net/mailman3/lists/db-wg.ripe.net/ As we have migrated to Mailman 3, you will need to create an account with the email matching your subscription before you can change your settings. More details at: https://www.ripe.net/membership/mail/mailman-3-migration/
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