On 2012.09.26. 14:50, Heather Schiller wrote:
What about restricting based on need/use? Requiring users to explain why they need the data and limiting the number of queries. I also don't understand the logic of trusting members over non-members as I am sure one could find examples of bad actors in both. Trust comes down to the user requesting the data and it should be easy enough to bind them to the same restrictive terms of use for the data regardless of whether they are an lir- or is there some consequence to lir's resources for violating trust/terms of service?
Hello, Manual filtering is an option, but by definition it requires manual work which makes it really expensive. In my personal opinion it also doesn't help, since people can always come up with reasons why they'd need the data, so at the end of the day the person deciding on whether that request is acceptable would only act as a bottleneck. The reason why limiting to members only is better than "any authorised user" is that it's very easy to create lots of untraceable accounts and abuse this service, whereas creating member users is not that easy and it's traceable to a member that we have business relation with. Regards, Robert