Edward Shryane via db-wg wrote on 11/06/2021 08:35:
In total I found 825 route objects and 57 route6 objects with unregistered prefixes, and which are now eligible for deletion.
Taking both non-merger transfers and unregistered / reserved prefixes into account, I figure 1555 ipv4 prefixes and 59 ipv6 route objects: ipv4:
This doesn't include transfers / reregistrations which happened before 2018-09-04. This would add to the total. Also, some care needs to be taken with transfers from the lacnic / apnic regions because they don't appear to differentiate between RESOURCE_TRANSFER and MERGER_ACQUISITION transfer types (or maybe they do but they don't have any, which would be odd). This would take away some entries. The code is available here: https://github.com/nickhilliard/irrslurp Seems to run fine on macos and ubuntu. Nick