There is an exclude list for the cleanup unreferenced objects job, and CAAO-RIPE is excluded, so it will never be deleted.
The DB team maintains this list and will exclude an object on request.
please exclude all objects i might wish to look up. in, which has been superceded of course, rob and daniel said it well, Task Force 2: Network Management and Operations European IP traffic is carried by a multitude of different infrastructures. The resulting pan-European IP infrastructure needs to be well managed in coordination with the managements of the underlying infrastructures. Currently this works well enough. With the expected growth a generally agreed management coordination is needed. This task force should develop a managament framework and collect the necessary management information. Coordination with all other task forces activities is needed. Task 2-1: Create and maintain a (`whois') database about RIPE IP networks and their management information. Term: Ongoing, reports monthly, first Dec89 Task 2-2: Create an infrastructure of operational contacts via various means of communication. Term: Jan90 Task 2-3: Create a procedure for notification of security relevant problems assuming that the networks itself are unusable. Term: Jan90 randy