Hi Laurent, We do not filter out contact information for abuse with this change (i.e. the "abuse-c" attribute is still included in historical queries). Regards Ed
On 7 Oct 2019, at 14:19, Laurent Pellegrino <laurent.pellegrino@ipregistry.co> wrote:
Hi there,
That's interesting. Does it mean that services providing contact information for abuse (e.g. https://ipinfo.io/abuse <http://email.mailgun.ipregistry.co/c/eJwdjbsOgjAAAL-m3SDQWtChA0IIISCbRhfTF9LIyxYQ_l5icrncdpJKwTDCUNM4ym93w_3qEhckXjNWJtUafNKszJz09pAc4OSaL1sxb87Tnt4LQGdHfMHB65hu3dffYuhgQ2uuQsKxJIJzjxB1lL7HUEgwQlgGdQBb2kzTaAGOAEp39Kj7enD1sDfjs1XQUGUbs7Fe7QOjR-X2avoBd-Y3FA>) are legally wrong? are you going to take any action?
Regards, Laurent
Le lun. 7 oct. 2019 à 12:38, Edward Shryane via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net <mailto:db-wg@ripe.net>> a écrit : Dear Working Group,
We implemented and deployed the changes below for GDPR compliance as part of Whois 1.95.1, on the 18th September: https://www.ripe.net/manage-ips-and-asns/db/release-notes/ripe-database-rele... <http://email.mailgun.ipregistry.co/c/eJw1jkGLgzAQhX9NvEVsoi495NC1iEi7vW3pXpYxM1RZjTZJa_33GwuFx4P3PWZ4qFCDFDLqVLGrzxfbbE5fxSErnhUc96dnfiurY8XL8w82TO6_68dyuC_8123_Hkx8cj2zNBmg6-Pry_U4RK3SmOgPLUhSRjlgCtRkAmVCGnWeJjLqVev95JjcMVEGzfMc226i2JAPcQADV-Ld5DgY5OCMCzQsEKWlnsARN6OnFa5XHMFDs9J3u4m3WWQVudYuYChsfH__B09pTvg>
Apologies if this was not clear.
Regards Ed Shryane RIPE NCC
On 27 May 2019, at 11:30, Edward Shryane via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net <mailto:db-wg@ripe.net>> wrote:
Dear Working Group,
as mentioned in last week's DB-WG meeting, we will shortly be implementing the following changes:
- Do not include personal data in historical queries (notify, e-mail, address attributes). - Do not include person/role references in historical queries (admin-c, tech-c, ping-hdl, zone-c).
A legal review found we should not return historical contact details, as they may contain personal data, which is not in line with the purpose of the RIPE database or data protection legislation.
For background, Maria Stafyla from RIPE NCC Legal presented on this topic at RIPE 76: https://ripe76.ripe.net/presentations/101-GDPR-Database-WG-RIPE-76.pdf <http://email.mailgun.ipregistry.co/c/eJw1Ts0OgjAYe5pxG2FsiB44KAho_IsHiV7MNzaEqIjb_OHtnSYmTZs2aVMRiRKoT50misfzYq84Wa_iRRC_c1gm6_fgnubLHKfFQXBEk9382S8ePT7q0fmJ_AkuX4h5V2gu7unH5e3q1HaT0JAwIhknvgiZCDiDqmR8GFQegdC5RLUxnUZ0jPzUQjWdDAfuV9xWGpt0SmrZGjDNrdXWE4_gLNlscQIGOGiJiwxvZ5sptr1OVI6KpK5VD620j_5DH0yQRmQ>
Regards Ed Shryane RIPE NCC