Dear DB-WG community, attached please find the draft agenda V1 for the DB-WG meeting during RIPE49 in Manchester, UK. As some of us have still been on vacation recently, we may have to update the draft agenda as we get closer to the meeting date. Please feel free to propose additional topics by either replying to the WG mailing list or in private mail to Nigel (who has volunteered to manage the meeting in Manchester - thank you very much!) and myself. Have a nice and successful meeting in Manchester! Wilfried. ++++++++ A. Administrative Matters - scribe - list of participants - agenda - minutes - "remote participation" coordination (if needed) - meeting schedule for 2005 B. DB Operational Update (N.N., RIPE NCC) tbc [~20 min] C. ERX Report [196/8, 198/8] (Leo V., RIPE NCC) [~15 min] D. RAToolSet software maintenance (N.N., RIPE NCC) tbc [~10 min] E. Routing Registry Courses (Vesna M., RIPE NCC) [~05 min] Y. Input from other WGs Z. AOB -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7-SEP-2004 12:55:00 UTC