some strange question: we need a complete list of assigned IP-Addresses in the european part of ripe region sort by country for a customer. Is there any chance to get it per whois/some application or do we buy some part of whois-db from ripe?
actually this is not very difficult task - you can write a script which will make a whois on all /24 netblocks from RIPE allocated space (if I am not mistaken, there are about 200 000 such netblocks - it could take some days, not more). You probably do not need to query smaller netblocks because AFAIK blocks inside one /24 block are not delegated to different countries. Then after simple sorting by "country" field you get your database (but see below)
The background is that a Online-Service needs this part of information to display the right website (on his top-level Webserver wich are reached by every online user first) for every user by his language.
If this is the only need of your client - then it will be better to write simple script which analises headers sent by browser when requesting a homepage - there are header "Accept-language" which allows you ho decide what is the user's language priority. Also please note that localized browsers very often set that "Accept-language" to the language of operating system. Regards, Vitaly Osipov
We are grateful for each assistance.
Kind regards, _____________________________ Stephan Mankopf Networks/Backbone +49 5241 80 88729 stephan.mankopf@mediaways.net