In message <>, Jan-Pieter Cornet writes:
Curtis Villamizar wrote:
I hope this is the right place to send a tiny patch. In any case, this minor recoding makes the syntax check go a whole lot faster.
I have no idea about the right place, however, being a strict perl devotee, I couldn't let the following slip by:
! foreach $tmpword ( split("\\s+", "$tmppol") ) {
*horrified*. I guess you normally use TCL where such constructs are normal? I'd write (which makes it even faster because the regexp needn't be compiled every time)
foreach $tmpword ( split( /\s+/, $tmppol ) ) {
Sorry for the extra intrusion,
We went from almost 2 hourse to under 10 minutes and you want to improve appearance and shave one large string copy and probably a few milliseconds. You guys just don't get it: while ($tmppol=~ s/(\S+)//) { On a very long string with a few thousand "words" this change the length of the string a couple of thousand times. These are the kind of things that actually make a difference. Thanks for the practical suggestion. :-) Curtis