[ $ set /me /mode=piet.b # :-) ] :-) I'm reluctant to drag this stuff (remaining in a state of being rare instead of well-done :-) into the DB-WG. Maybe I'm a bit too proud about the DB-folks, but I've got the impression recently that we managed to get various things and proposals discussed up to a useful point (by different means and methods) and then just put the finishing touch on top during the DB-WG meeting. Quite to the contrary, the DNS (-object stuff) is (and has been) tossed around for more than a year now, if I recall correctly. Listening to Piet's emontional announcement, I get the feeling that the DNS folks still have to make up their minds, one way or the other... In the DNS-WG on that RIPE meeting it was decided that the *sd and *ns attributes would change from mandatory into optional. But as far as I know it was the DB-WG that acted as showstopper becase they considered it their task to accept/reject changes and they didn't agree with these changes. Correct me if I'm wrong. If this indeed has happend, then a proposal for a changed object is welcome to be discussed within the DB-WG. Go ahead and talk, talk, talk. But it should be clear from my "emontional announcement" (which I consider quite to the point rather than emotional) that as far as I'm concerned it's far too late already for changes in the Domain object, the object effectively being dead because of it being unworkable and causing only headaches to domain registrars. Piet