

  • 13 participants
  • 2654 discussions
Re: AS690 advisory update
by ser-rr@ser.bbnplanet.net 14 Nov '95

14 Nov '95
Re: too many hits?
by Christian Panigl, ACOnet/UniVie +43 1 4065822-383 06 Nov '95

06 Nov '95
too many hits?
by Schmitz@rus.uni-stuttgart.de 06 Nov '95

06 Nov '95

01 Nov '95
Draft minutes, DB-WG at RIPE #22
by Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet 30 Oct '95

30 Oct '95
Modification of RIPE-181's as-in/as-out attributes
by Steven J. Richardson 25 Oct '95

25 Oct '95
Re: Proposal on applying advisory attribute to "aut-num" object
by Christian Panigl, ACOnet/UniVie +43 1 4065822-383 24 Oct '95

24 Oct '95

24 Oct '95

23 Oct '95
Re: Proposal on applying advisory attribute to "aut-num" object
by Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet 23 Oct '95

23 Oct '95
Proposal on applying advisory attribute to "aut-num" object
by Christian Panigl, ACOnet/UniVie +43 1 4065822-383 20 Oct '95

20 Oct '95
Re: db under solaris
by Jose Sanchez-Seco. CSIC RedIRIS 19 Oct '95

19 Oct '95
New RA Tools Announcement
by Brian Renaud 18 Oct '95

18 Oct '95
Re: db under solaris
by RIPE Database Manager 18 Oct '95

18 Oct '95
Server updates for WWWhois
by Paolo Bevilacqua 16 Oct '95

16 Oct '95
db under solaris
by tonyb 12 Oct '95

12 Oct '95
RE: Inconsistent NIC handles
by Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet 10 Oct '95

10 Oct '95
RE: Inconsistent NIC handles
by zsako@banknet.net 09 Oct '95

09 Oct '95
Inconsistent NIC handles
by zsako@banknet.net 09 Oct '95

09 Oct '95
Mailing List
by Sushant Pujari 04 Oct '95

04 Oct '95

02 Oct '95
RIPE22: proposal for draft agenda, DB-WG
by Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet 02 Oct '95

02 Oct '95
by Oliver Smith 02 Oct '95

02 Oct '95
ripe.db.in.cl.* get large ....
by Arnold Nipper 26 Sep '95

26 Sep '95
Re: ripe.db.in.cl.* get large
by Willi Huber 25 Sep '95

25 Sep '95