

April 2001

  • 17 participants
  • 26 discussions
draft agenda routing/joint routing&db wg RIPE 39
by SchmitzJoļ¼ aol.com 24 Apr '01

24 Apr '01
draft agenda (v1), for DB-WG meeting, RIPE 39, Bologna
by Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet 23 Apr '01

23 Apr '01
PGP auth?
by Gert Doering 23 Apr '01

23 Apr '01
Re: New DB and line continuation?
by Andrei Robachevsky 23 Apr '01

23 Apr '01
update problems with auto-dbm@ripe.net
by Frank Bohnsack 23 Apr '01

23 Apr '01

23 Apr '01
Re: New DB and line continuation?
by RIPE Database Administration 23 Apr '01

23 Apr '01
New RPSL Query of aut-num objects
by Sascha E. Pollok 23 Apr '01

23 Apr '01
by Christian Panigl, ACOnet/VIX/UniVie 23 Apr '01

23 Apr '01
Migration of the TEST database is completed
by Andrei Robachevsky 23 Apr '01

23 Apr '01