

January 1997

  • 17 participants
  • 20 discussions
New Document available: RIPE-153
by RIPE NCC Document Annoucement Service 29 Jan '97

29 Jan '97
Inverse Query Failures
by Daniel Karrenberg 17 Jan '97

17 Jan '97
RE: Immediate - Date in Changed field
by Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet 17 Jan '97

17 Jan '97
Re: hierarchical route objects, part 1
by Schmitz@RUS.Uni-Stuttgart.DE 16 Jan '97

16 Jan '97
An AUP for the RIPE DB ?!
by Daniel Karrenberg 16 Jan '97

16 Jan '97
Preventing Abuse of Postal&Email Address Info
by Daniel Karrenberg 16 Jan '97

16 Jan '97
Re: hierarchical route objects, part 1
by Schmitz@RUS.Uni-Stuttgart.DE 16 Jan '97

16 Jan '97
RIPE-26, DB-WG, Proposed Agenda, 2nd Draft
by Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet 15 Jan '97

15 Jan '97
Person-Objects with multiple adresses + phones
by Nacamar AS Guardian 15 Jan '97

15 Jan '97
Re: again: hierarchical route objects
by Schmitz@RUS.Uni-Stuttgart.DE 15 Jan '97

15 Jan '97