

October 1995

  • 18 participants
  • 20 discussions

29 Nov '95
Draft minutes, DB-WG at RIPE #22
by Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet 30 Oct '95

30 Oct '95
Modification of RIPE-181's as-in/as-out attributes
by Steven J. Richardson 25 Oct '95

25 Oct '95
Re: Proposal on applying advisory attribute to "aut-num" object
by Christian Panigl, ACOnet/UniVie +43 1 4065822-383 24 Oct '95

24 Oct '95

24 Oct '95

23 Oct '95
Re: Proposal on applying advisory attribute to "aut-num" object
by Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet 23 Oct '95

23 Oct '95
Proposal on applying advisory attribute to "aut-num" object
by Christian Panigl, ACOnet/UniVie +43 1 4065822-383 20 Oct '95

20 Oct '95
Re: db under solaris
by Jose Sanchez-Seco. CSIC RedIRIS 19 Oct '95

19 Oct '95
New RA Tools Announcement
by Brian Renaud 18 Oct '95

18 Oct '95