Interaction between Dutch police and RIPE NCC
Hi, I presume many of you have seen this original story on the RIPE website from Nov 9:
RIPE NCC Blocks Registration in RIPE Registry Following Order from Dutch Police 09 Nov 2011 The RIPE NCC received a temporary order from the Dutch police to prevent any changes from being made to a registration of four specific blocks of IPv4 address space in the RIPE Registry.
The order is effective from 8 November 2011 until 22 March 2012.
This has been updated with new information on Nov 16:
The RIPE NCC is receiving independent legal advice and is in discussion with the appropriate authorities. It is the intention of the RIPE NCC to pursue this matter further in Dutch court to establish a precedent so that it is certain of its rights regarding such orders.
In the interest of transparency, the RIPE NCC is working on full disclosure of the background documents. The RIPE NCC will update the community if and when any other publishable materials become available.
The RIPE NCC is committed to acting in the best interest of its membership and will continue to inform the Internet community on this matter as it progresses.
The RIPE NCC has not withdrawn, removed or reclaimed the address blocks in question; it has temporarily locked a registration of address blocks.
On this last page there is also a link to the police order itself: Patrik Fältström Co-chair, Cooperation Working Group
For those of you who are interested in the court order, but don't read Dutch, I've transcribed it into text below, and attached a Google translation into English. All typos in the Dutch version are mine. -----BEGIN Dutch Court Order----- BEVEL EX ARTIKEL 2 VAN DE POLITIEWET Ter bescherming van de openbare orde en handhaving van de rechtsorde Ondergetekende, G.A. Wind, Inspecteur van politie, werkzaam bij het Team High Tech Crime van de Dienst Nationale Recherche van het Korps Landelijke Politiediensten Overwegende dat: -- Door de bevoegde autoriteiten van de Verenigde Staten van Amerika een strafrechtelijk onderzoek is ingesteld terzake van het (medeplegen van het) onbevoegd installeren van kwaadaardige software (malware) op miljoenen computersystemen in de Verenigde Staten en daarbuiten, alsmede terzake van het witwassen van de opbrengsten van criminele activiteiten; -- Deze feiten strafbaar zijn naar Nederlands recht, op grond van (in elk geval, maar niet uitputtend) de artikelen 138ab, 139d, 140, 350a en 420bis van het Wetboek van Strafrecht; -- Deze strafbare feiten een onmiddellijke bedreiging vormen voor de Nederlandse openbare orde en/of de rechtsorde; -- Op 14 December 2010 door de bevoegde autoriteiten van de Verenigde Staten van Amerika een justitieel rechtshulpverzoek werd gedaan aan de Nederlandse autoriteiten, strekkende tot het verrichten van opsporingshandelingen ten behoeve van het Amerikaanse opsporingsonderzoek; -- Op 3 November 2011 door de bevoegde autoriteiten van de Verenigde Staten van Amerika een aanvullend justitieel rechtshulpverzoek werd gedaan aan de Nederlandse autoriteiten, strekkende tot het uitvoeren van een rechterlijk bevel, afgegeven door de Honoroable William H. Pauley III, United States District Judge, Southern District of New York, op 3 November 2011 -- Het Amerikaanse rechterlijk bevel betrekking heeft op activiteiten van alle Regional Internet Registrars (RIR) ter wereld, waarvan de Reseach IP Europeens Network Coordination Center (RIPE NCC) haar zetel heeft in Amsterdam; -- Het Amerikaanse rechterlijk draagt aan iedere RIR op om die maatregelen te treffen waardoor wordt voorkomen dat: -- de verdachten in het Amerikaanse opsporingsonderzoek de controle overdragen van de relevante registratie(s) van een specifiek aantal IP-ranges in het publieke register; -- de verdachten in het Amerikaanse opsporingsonderzoek wijzigingen aanbrengen in de relevante registratie(s) van een specifiek aantal IP-ranges in het publieke register, behoudens voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de FBI of de United States Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York; -- de verdachten in het Amerikaanse opsporingsonderzoek een specifiek aantal IP-adresregistraties (IP-address records) overdragen aan een ander of anderen, behoudens voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de FBI of de United States Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York; In opdracht van de officier van justitie bij het Landelijk Parket mr. L.J.A. van Zwieten, Geeft hierbij opdracht aan: RIPE NCC Statutair gevestigd te Amsterdam Om ter bescherming van de openbare orde en handhaving van de rechtsorde te handelen overeenkomstig de tekst van het Amerikaanse rechterlijk bevel, met betrekking tot de navolgende IP-ranges: [redacted] Van het effectief zijn van deze maatregelen dient mededeling te worden gedaan aan ondergetekende op uiterlijk 8 Novermber 2011. Indien en voorzover de uitvoering van dit bevel voor RIPE technisch niet mogelijk is, dient hiervan zo spoedig mogelijk, doch uiterlijk op 8 November 2011, mededeling te worden gedaan aan onder getekende. Deze maatregelen dienen van kracht te zijn in de periode van 8 November 2011 tot en met 22 Maart 2012; Dit bevel is uitgereikt op 8 November 2011; G.A. Wind [Signed] Gea Wind Deputy Team Leader National High Tech Crime Unit National Crime Squad Netherlands' Police Agency Voor ontvangst: Namens RIPE NCC -----END Dutch Court Order----- -----BEGIN Google Translation----- ORDER UNDER ARTICLE 2 of the Police To protect public order and enforce law The undersigned, G.A. Wind, Inspector of Police, who works at the High Tech Crime Team of the National Crime Squad of the National Police Whereas: - The competent authorities of the United States a criminal investigation has been the matter of (co-perpetrator of) unauthorized installation of malicious software (malware) on millions of computers in the United States and abroad, and in respect of the laundering of proceeds of crime; - These facts punishable under Dutch law, under (at least, but not exhaustive) Articles 138ab, 139d, 140, 350a and 420bis of the Penal Code; - These crimes an immediate threat to the Dutch public order and / or the law; - On 14 December 2010 by the competent authorities of the United States of America a judicial assistance request was made to the Dutch authorities, seeking to perform acts of investigation for the U.S. criminal investigation; - On 3 November 2011 by the competent authorities of the United States of America an additional judicial assistance request was made to the Dutch authorities, seeking to carry out a court order issued by the Honoroable William H.Pauley III, United States District Judge, Southern District of New York on 3 November 2011 - The U.S. court order covers all activities of Regional Internet Registrars (RIR) in the world, whose Reseach IP Européens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC) has its headquarters in Amsterdam; - The U.S. court assigns to each RIR to make those measures which will prevent: - The defendants in the U.S. investigation of the control transfer of the relevant recording (s) of a specific number of IP ranges in the public register; - The defendants in the U.S. investigation changes in the relevant register (s) of a specific number of IP ranges in the public record without the prior written permission of the FBI or the United States Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York; - The defendants in the U.S. investigation of a specific IP address entries (IP address records) over to another or others without the prior written permission of the FBI or the United States Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York; Commissioned by the Public Prosecutor of the National Public Prosecutor Mr. LJA van Zwieten, Hereby command: RIPE NCC Corporate seat in Amsterdam In order to protect public order and enforce the law to act according to the text of the U.S. court order, relating to the following IP ranges: [Redacted] The effective communication of the measures should be taken to the undersigned on or before 8 Novermber 2011. If and insofar as the implementation of this order for RIPE technically possible, as soon as possible but no later than 8 November 2011, notification should be made to under-drawn. These measures should be in force during the period from 8 November 2011 to March 22, 2012; This order was issued on 8 November 2011; G.A. Wind [Signed] Gea Wind Deputy Team Leader National High Tech Crime Unit National Crime Squad Netherlands' Police Agency For receipt: RIPE NCC on behalf of -----END Google Translation----- On Nov 19, 2011, at 3:35 AM, Patrik Fältström wrote:
I presume many of you have seen this original story on the RIPE website from Nov 9:
RIPE NCC Blocks Registration in RIPE Registry Following Order from Dutch Police 09 Nov 2011 The RIPE NCC received a temporary order from the Dutch police to prevent any changes from being made to a registration of four specific blocks of IPv4 address space in the RIPE Registry.
The order is effective from 8 November 2011 until 22 March 2012.
This has been updated with new information on Nov 16:
The RIPE NCC is receiving independent legal advice and is in discussion with the appropriate authorities. It is the intention of the RIPE NCC to pursue this matter further in Dutch court to establish a precedent so that it is certain of its rights regarding such orders.
In the interest of transparency, the RIPE NCC is working on full disclosure of the background documents. The RIPE NCC will update the community if and when any other publishable materials become available.
The RIPE NCC is committed to acting in the best interest of its membership and will continue to inform the Internet community on this matter as it progresses.
The RIPE NCC has not withdrawn, removed or reclaimed the address blocks in question; it has temporarily locked a registration of address blocks.
On this last page there is also a link to the police order itself:
Patrik Fältström Co-chair, Cooperation Working Group
participants (2)
Patrik Fältström
Richard L. Barnes