Re: [cooperation-wg] [iot-discussion] Cerf on the ethics of IoT
Hi Marco, all, Apologies if this was noted in these lists before: There is also an IEEE initiative which was open for public comments up until recently, on a related note: The IEEE Global Initiative for Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems Wanted to share. Kind regards Filiz On Thu, May 4, 2017 at 10:32 AM, Marco Hogewoning <> wrote:
Dear colleagues,
Somebody drew my attention to an article by Vint Cerf and Francine Berman on the ethics of IoT, some of you might find it an interesting read as well.
Following this, an interview with Berman was published on The Atlantic earlier this week internet-of-things-ethics/524802/
As a reminder, we are still setup to have a BoF aiming to discuss some of this space as well, in particular the expected or desired role of the parties providing connectivity to these devices.
This “IoT Security BoF” will take place after the main RIPE 74 program, on Tuesday May 9 at 18:00 in the Tutorial Room of the meeting venue. Unfortunately, due to this being a BoF and as this room only has a very limited technical setup there won’t be any remote participation offered.
So hope to see many of you in the room in Budapest next week,
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Filiz Yilmaz