Cloud computing / new documents
Dear all, in the context of the development of the European Cloud Computing strategy, which was briefly referred to in this mailing list, you may be interested to know that the following documents have been recently published on the website of the European Commission: - Final report of the public consultation on Cloud Computing (16 May - 31 August 2011) - Recommendations from the "select industry group" to the European Commission on the orientation of a Cloud Computing strategy for Europe (annexes) Best regards, -- Andrea Glorioso (Mr) European Commission - DG Information Society and Media Unit A3 (Internet; Network and Information Security) Avenue de Beaulieu 33 (2/84) / B-1049 / Brussels / Belgium T: +32-2-29-97682 M: +32-460-797-682 E: Twitter: @andreaglorioso Facebook: LinkedIn: The views expressed above are purely those of the writer and may not in any circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the European Commission. Les opinions exprimées ci-dessus n'engagent que leur auteur et ne sauraient en aucun cas être assimilées à une position officielle de la Commission européenne. Be transparent - Sign up to the European Commission's Register of Interest Representatives
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