On 29 Apr 2018, at 17:47, Gordon Lennox <gordon.lennox.13@gmail.com> wrote:
My attention was drawn to this new policy from Brussels:
Of interest to people involved with domain names, people who have names registered under EU or who are still thinking about it and who are resident in the UK or thinking about moving there? Nationality does not count: residence does.
First off Gordon, it’s The Register - not exactly a reliable source of information. Second, there’s a more recent article on the same site saying what was proposed in the above article has been withdrawn: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/04/27/dot_eu_domains_brexit_uk/ That later article is headlined: "Euro idiocrats backtrack on plan to kill off Brits' 300,000 .eu domains” In short, nothing to see here - move along. Now there might be a higher-level issue about eligibility criteria for .eu domain names and oversight of the .eu registry’s policy-making. Which might not matter to people living on a big island in the North Sea because it’ll be outside the EU in a year or so. Allegedly.