Dear colleagues, During the Internet of Things BoF in Madrid, several participants commented on the need to strengthen the information exchange on this topic. Noting the wide variety of the topics and concerns that would fall under such a broad term as the Internet of Things, while it the same time too specific for any existing mailing list, it was concluded that the creation of a dedicated mailing list would be a feasible way forward in centralising the information available, while leaving open the option to take specific topics to specialist working groups or other venues. As we announced during the meeting, we have now set up this dedicated mailing list called “IoT Discussion”. The aim of this list is to facilitate the exchange of information concerning the Internet of Things, particularly as it may have impact on the RIPE NCC, RIPE or our stakeholders' operations. The list is also a platform to inform each other about proceedings in other relevant standards bodies or governance structures, and may be used to discuss and formulate common positions among participants on IoT-related topics. If you take interest in this topic or participate in other discussions surrounding the IoT, we would encourage you to subscribe to this mailing list. To subscribe to this list, please visit https://lists.ripe.net/mailman/listinfo/iot-discussion. The same webpage also gives access to the public archives of this mailing list. Regards, Marco Hogewoning On behalf of the RIPE NCC’s External Relations department.