I seem to remember some people thinking that the “network neutrality” debate in the EU was over when the Regulation was adopted last year.

But this is what Commissioner Oettinger said in April in Brussels at the NetFutures event:

<< The challenge is that communication networks themselves have to evolve and to adapt to the new digital economy. They need to move from "one size fits all" and "best effort", towards networks that can adapt to the versatile requirements of many industries, and that can deliver guaranteed and ubiquitous quality of service. 

This is precisely what 5G is aimed to achieve: Changing communication networks into innovation platforms rather than mere voice and data pipes. >>


Now we have a fairly short public consultation on the draft BEREC Guidelines.

<< Regulation (EU) 2015/2120 included new Net Neutrality rules to safeguard equal and non-discriminatory treatment of traffic in the provision of Internet Access Service. It specified that BEREC lay down guidelines on the implementation by NRAs of their obligations to monitor and ensure compliance with the rules. The Guidelines aim to contribute to the consistent application of the Regulation, thereby contributing to regulatory certainty for stakeholders. >>


For comments from TheRegister see:


And elsewhere:






